Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Unions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Unions - Research Paper Example Furthermore, the organization is committed towards advancing their mission by engaging local communities, collective bargaining, organizing and political activism through the efforts of their members (American Federation of Teachers, 2012). Although, AFT members do not work in core industrial environment, there are numerous hazards involved due to the complex situations that they work in. Teachers have greater possibilities for respiratory infections and work related asthma. Furthermore, it has been observed that many paraprofessionals leave the organization citing voice disorders. Moreover, renovation of schools, internal air quality and cleaning chemicals relatively affect the health systems of various members in the workplace (American Federation of Teachers, 2012). A Washington DC based organization First Class Education (FCE), introduced a ‘65 percent solution’ scheme, which needs to be maintained compulsorily by schools of all states. The scheme endorsed all schools to spend 65% of their budgets on ‘classroom instruction’. However, the members of AFT feel that the scheme will adversely affect schools and its students. Moreover, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) classroom instruction includes the cost of teachers and most of the classroom supplies. However, it excludes costs regarding the staff and services essential for conducting numerous programs. The services include professional development, libraries, food and nutrition, custodial work and transportation which enable classroom learning in the initial stages (American Federation of Teachers, 2012). The environment in which the members of AFT work is deemed to violate Occupational Safety and Health Act 1970 (OSHA) which states that employers should be responsible for providing secure as well as healthy working environment which is not being complied with by the leaders of the

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